And this is how my day begins. I mean really, I don’t think he moved an inch. My sister should be proud.
Today is 1€ admission day to the museums of Munich, so we head back down south to check them out. Part of me can’t believe that we’re heading back to Munich, but our stay there is drawing to a close- Wednesday we have our first show in France. If it’s rainy there too, I just might cry.
Man do I love art museums. All I want to do afterward is go home and make things. I’ve never gotten the hankering to go home and start carving marble, but it does make me want to invest in a half decent wood shop. There are so many cool chairs and cabinets to be made.
A while ago I saw my first Tejo Remy and got really excited. I remember sitting in the gallery and sketching it into my journal. I’d always thought it be really cool looking to someday have a wall completely covered with different cabinets. You know, stacked from floor to ceiling, wedged in from wall to wall, all designed and constructed with varying aesthetic ideas, their contrasting colors butting-up against each other, while all fulfilling the same function-providing drawers and cubbies to store things. But the thought of carrying and moving all those cabinets was enough to deter me. But Tejo Remy figured out a methodical and practical way that I might be able to still have my wall of drawers and cubbies someday, directly across from my wall of mirrors, obviously.
Neo Rauch. Makes me wish I was a little smarter, or at least wish I knew a bit more about German history. I'm not getting the allusions. All I'm getting is pink mixed with a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
This was smaller and less gold than I thought it was going to be. I hope this doesn't mean all Klimts aren't as gold, bold, and stunning as they are in my books. Hmm.
Max Beckmann has grown on me over the years. Such brutal colors.
I thought about buying a poster of this piece and sending it to my mom as the new Fox Family portrait, seeing as she has referred to her seven children as her little monkeys.
And this picture reminded me of my friend Aisha. She’s a classic beauty.