Yesterday was a drive day. Last week we did almost the exact same drive from the other direction, so we're starting to zone out a bit and not pay attention to the land scape. Modest Mouse keeps ending up on the stereo. And of course after making it from point B to C on this leg, we get to do it all over and have a monster drive from point C to D is tomorrow. YAY.

Of course, as soon as we hit Germany, the rain starts. It gets down right apocalyptic out.
This of course means that the festival is a total mess. It's well organized, but it's all standing on a pile of mud now. It's deep and slippery enough that I don't even trust taking my camera out.
So we retreat to the hotel for a bit in hopes that the ground will firm up. The place is a hilarious exercises in German minimalist taste. If you can call it that. Maybe industrial chic before industry was chic.
We go for a swim in the pool and then head back to the festival fields. Things have vastly improved and images of people chucking handfuls of mud on stage have stopped coursing through my mind.
We arrive at our tent, but we can't find our name or when we're supposed to perform ANYWHERE. It takes us a while to figure out the Germans are playing a joke on us:
And for the second time on this tour, we share a stage with Monotonix. The girl in front does not seem impressed. By the end of the set, she continues to not look impressed. I'm wondering what her angle here is- are band dudes into bitchy chicks?

Having played with and seen Monotonix before, this poor "D" balloon catches my eye. There is no way it is going to still be in the owner's hand by the end of the set.

And, yep, here we go:

So sad, used and flung aside like so many before it:
I think my favorite part of the set is when T'Nealle ends up riding the drummer. That's right, she is constantly making sure men know that they're below HER.

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