So, it seems silly to have all these friends around and not throw a show party with everyone. So we spend the day scouring the town for somewhere to play a last second. This bar looks like it'd be perfect, but we can't get a hold of someone to open the door.

We take a break and drive up the hill to check out the castle and see if we can spy any other cool bars from the medieval vantage point. Turns out the castle has an awning, stage, and PA all set up for performances there, but we can't find someone there to let us in either. Awesome venue number two:FAIL. And the turret is even wired with an antiquated antennae.
And then the West Side finds it's way into our day. It's perfect. Instruments of every ilk hang from the ceiling and sex toy dispensers warm the bathrooms. There is even an ashtray in the toilet stall.

Things get appropriately rad. Our friend Nahuel brings along his DJ strobe light set, and Simon's band opens with a bastion of EU friendly covers from Juiceboxxx to Cold War Kids. BBE then proceeds to slay.
The owner of the bar is so taken aback and excited that he makes the band sign a piece of paper, which he proclaims ad infinitum that he will hang it next to his signed Scorpions poster in the bar.
There's one low point in the evening. Our friend Aukha is s'pose to play his Chip after BBE, but the bar cuts him off due to what they claim are noise curfew reasons. They're not amused when we just take Aukha's set up out to our car, open the back hatch, and blast it through the stereo. But I think the heavens had greater things in mind for us. The bar owner, still riding his excited high, gives us a crate of 24 half liter beers and sends us on our way. We drive down the road three blocks and set up shop in a cemetery parking lot. People start arriving from the bar, the car's back hatch is reopened, and Aukha performs until his batteries die. Afterwards we have a dance party til 3 AM out under the stars. Neumarkt, you rule. Thanks for not calling the cops on us and breaking up our party.

that is one badass Merzbow cover in the first vid.