Friday, November 27, 2009

11/26 The Royal Derby

Meet BBE’s new bass player: Meat Sandwich.

She will make you a mean meat sandwich. Go ahead, just ask.

So, the next town on our tour is Derby, and apparently it's pronounced Darby. I can't explain why, but since the English language is from England, I'll just talk their word for it on this one.

We made our way to Derby pretty early and got our culture on. The Derby Art Museum and Art Gallery was a pretty amazing conglomeration of everything Derby. And it didn’t just have any old art to enlighten the citizens of Derby- the museum actually only had art about Derby or created by people associated with Derby. As far as I could tell, the curator of the museum was pretty sure Derby was the location of the original primordial pool.

In addition to recreations of the ancient past, it had a room displaying the adornings of a Derby man in the Armed Forces, a contemporary gallery with recent works by the locals, and a natural history section with awesome dioramas of what James is like every night:

There was another gallery with an exhibit of what it's like to get Charlie up in the morning:

By this point in the tour, BBE even has me being sarcastic with interviewers:

"Does the band have a website?"

"Yes, it’s"


BBE plays that night in an old hotel with our friends Polka Party. Carlsberg beer tastes like crap.

The venue has a huge Drum and Bass show the next night that they have to start setting up for right after BBE's show ends, so we sit around playing on the internet while Meat Sandwich helps decorate the dressing room.
We ended up back at the promoter's place eating chips with salad and watching bad TV.
As you might guess, 1000 Ways to Die is a pretty dumb show. There was a re-enactment/re-creation of a goblin strangling a woman, which was the explanation for the cause of her SUNDS. I mean, does Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome really exist? Wikipedia says yes.

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